Friday, July 20, 2012

The Colorado Movie Theater Shooting

CNN seems to have the most information and video clips so far. At least in the time I've been searching.

This is positively devastating. My heart dropped and has remained, heavy in the pit of my stomach, since I woke up today and read about the shooting at the theater in Colorado. To think a few hours ago I was writing my post, feeling wonderful after seeing The Dark Knight Rises. I almost feel selfish for feeling so happy. I had no idea what was going on across the country.

My heart, my weighted heart, goes out to all of those affected by the shooting. Everyone is in my prayers.

What inspires this type of evil? Why does it exist? How could someone do this?

An event like this casts such a dark shadow over the Batman series. I wish it didn't. I feel as if there is a darkness that will follow this series and other comic book movies to come. My boyfriend just texted me: "I'm not sure I want to watch [the news]. I'm actually upset because this guy ruined something incredible, and hurt so many people that love Batman." I couldn't have said it better.

All I can hope for is that all movies, but especially comic-book movies, survive this. One act by an undeniably evil person should not affect something so wonderful and genuinely good, forever.

What type of people were injured in this shooting? Adults and children. Adults and children who love movies. Adults and children who love comic books. That might be the most upsetting aspect of this--that the gunman injured innocent people who were in the theater just to watch something they love and look up to. These people were fans. What logic could have brought the gunman to believe that fans of anything deserved to be hurt?

I hope that people remember to blame the shooter and not the film. The character of Batman stands against everything that this man represents, as do all comic book heroes. Let's not forget that.

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